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Laser Etching

Laser Etching
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3 font styles to choose from
Available only with select wooden urns
Our Price: $67.00

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A maximum of 3 lines of engraving is allowed.
Also, not all urns can accommodate 3 lines

Important Note: This option as only available with urns where it shows up as an accessory.

You can have your loved one's infant urn personalized with laser-etching on the wood. Choose from 3 styles of lettering and up to 4 lines of engraving on most urns (see example below).

Please allow 24-48 hours for engraving and shipment of urn. If the urn is needed for a memorial service, please contact our office to verify it can be delivered in time for the service.
([email protected] - 800.293.3778)

Engraving example:
In Loving Memory
John Paul Smith
January 12, 1934
February 3, 2001

Additional Notes: Not all urns can accommodate all 4 lines. Also sentiments will need to be fairly short (36 letters/spaces maximum).